Katie is a muti-faceted, entrepreneurial spirited teacher, author, educator, musician, performer, producer and liaison. She has received considerable accolades for her accomplishments from numerous stellar and exclusive media outlets such as CBS, Southlake Style, CW33, DFW Child, The Dallas Observer and Voyage Dallas as well as others.
Katie Parr founded Katie Parr Music Academy & Entertainment Group in 2002 with the desire to inspire, discover and mold the next generation of musicians. Katie is an expert in her field and offers the highest rated services and opportunities in the industry. More recently, she was filmed as featured vocal coach in the documentary "Teach the World to Sing"​ that is airing on Netflix in 2020. Her Students have become professional musicians and some of today's leading talent in the music industry.
Katie has been teaching, producing and performing in Dallas/ Ft. Worth for over 20 years and has helped mold and create stars musically, as well as the big screen (Demi Lovato, Selena Gomez, Chloe Perrin, Hanna Hotline, Regan James, Caitie Andreen, Sira Faris) . Katie has a roster of trusted and well respected industry professionals including owners of major talent agencies, film and TV, America's Got Talent, Radio Disney, American Idol, The Voice, CW33, CBS, Southlake Style and The Texas Rangers, Dallas Mavericks, Lone Star Park, and Live Nation to name a few.

Katie has actively been performing in the Dallas metro area for over 20 years. She is a phenomenal vocalist, pianist and entertainer. Katie easily connects with her audience. Many of her fans describe her sound as evocative, expressive and at times, emotional. Katie has a passionate and dynamic ability to evoke an expressiveness that leaves her audience on the edge of their chairs. Be it quiet and subdued to bold and expressive, she exhibits the qualities of the ideal professional, who always produces a top notch show. Her acts have included a solo acts. singing groups and duets. She currently performs live shows at various music venues in Dallas. Katie serves as an professional mentor to up and coming musicians. Check out her website for more information katieparr,com
Katie is also an author whose primary focus relies on her love and area of proven expertise, music! Her seven level children's book series and piano curriculum has been widely published online and has received exceptional acclaim. Piano Land is a very effective introductory system using warm and playful characters that correlate with the piano keys and their notation on the musical staff. It's a fun and creative introduction to the world of music and only curriculum developed for piano education for children as young as 3.
The Katie Parr Vocal Method is a 7 level method that covers all spectrums of the voice, from the anatomical understanding of the voice to connecting with music. Students learn how the voice functions and all the tricks to get the sound they want to produce. Her method includes focus 4 main areas for all 7 levels including style development, vocal theory, vocal technique and staging.
Katie has been involved as an active talent scout for Page Parkes who has worked with such famous faces as Angelina Jolie, Rebecca Romijn, Woody Harrelson and Channing Tatum just to name a few. In the music business, it's all about who you know. Katie has spent the past 20 years developing and maintaining relationships with local, national and international musicians, event organizers, major venue directors and has all the connections to give you special performance opportunities. Katie is the talent scout in the DFW area for American Idol and America's Got Talent. More recently, the City of Southlake choose Katie Parr Music Academy to provide them with the national anthem singer for the big Stars and Stripes firework ceremony. Katie's student's recently performed in the Dallas holiday parade that was televised on CW33 and
With the phenomenal growth and evolution of electronic media and the explosion and overall prevalence of social networking, Katie has evolved and succeeded as a highly effective online media manager creating, managing and maintaining several KPMA related pages using all safe social media platforms. She teaches her recording artist students and artist development students how to use social media platforms to effectively promote their music shows and how to upload their original music to all major online venues, Katie understands the value that branding brings a musician and helps her students create their unique brand.